Water monitoring

Aqua Monitoring System is the French company that supports you in your water quality measurement projects.
AquaMS provides continuous water monitoring systems to regulate processes, optimize treatment costs and reduce environmental pollution.

The company


AquaMS, (Aqua Monitoring System) commercializes and designs water quality measurement systems. The origin of the company comes from a technological innovation from the University of Lorraine in Nancy: the Gymnotox bio-detector. This biological monitoring system analyze the electrical signal emitted by a gymnote fish, the Apteronotus Albifrons (Black Ghost) to control the water overall quality. This system was particularly efficient against pesticides.
Over the years, the team’s expertise has grown and partnerships with sensor producers have been strengthened. AquaMS now offers a diverse range of physico-chemical sensors, with the ability to design complete systems for specific usages in customer applications.

The expertise


A range of solutions has been built up step by step, going from 6 to 32 analysis parameters. We have developed a field awareness which allows today the company to have a great presence in the various projects. Whatever your activity or the type of water, our mission is to precisely identify your needs and offer you the right measurement system.
AquaMS work closely with its manufacturing partners to harness the instrument range offered. We are trained to use the sensors and support you from the installation to the maintenance.

A tool for environmental protection


We are very proud to work with our customers to preserve the environment.

In fact, the continuous monitoring of water quality leads to reduce our environmental impact by limiting polluted discharges.

Made in AquaMS

These last years of working together brought us to a new purpose. Offering all-in-one systems, easy and ready to operate for our customers.
It starts with our first creations of dissolved CO2 and H2S measurement panels.

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