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CTD48 Probe H2

Measurement of dissolved hydrogen concentrations

The determination of dissolved hydrogen concentrations is one of the most important parameters for the analysis and control of power plant water, waste water and process water.

Due to its high chemical reactivity and the rapid transfer of concentrations between liquid samples and the gas phase, its measurement is difficult despite careful sampling.

The precise and reliable in situ measurement of this parameter is possible with the CTD48 H2 probe for water up to 100 meters deep or with 10 bars of pressure. The integrated micro H2 sensor is the biggest innovation of this system, it allows a fast measurement with a very high resolution. The multiparameter probe continuously measures the dissolved hydrogen concentration of the medium, taking into account the variations in temperature and pressure of the medium.


The measurement of dissolved H2 can be done with two types of probes:

  • MS08 version for portable or laboratory measurement. This kit includes a data reading box, and two connected probes. The titanium probe incorporates the H2 amperometric micro-sensor and the second probe is used to measure the temperature.
  • CTD48 version for continuous application in the medium. The probe integrates several measurement sensors at the head. The titanium protective cage then comprises an H2 amperometric micro-sensor, a pH sensor, a temperature sensor and can integrate a pressure sensor. The measurement data is processed via the electronics embedded in the body of the probe.

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Measurement principle

The dissolved H2 passes through the gas permeable membrane. It diffuses to the working electrode where an electrochemical oxidation reaction takes place with the electrolyte adapted to the H2S. The current generated, proportional to the H2 concentration, is measured by the probe.
This current from 0 to 400 pico-amperes is then converted and used by the electronics of the probe to be compensated according to the temperature and pressure measured.


  • Water / wastewater treatment control
  • Regulation of coagulation and flocculation
  • Measurement of acid / base neutralization processes
  • Wastewater monitoring


  • High-quality combination electrode with annular measuring diaphragm and polymerized solid electrolyte
  • LED operating status indicator
  • Submersible probe for in situ measurements
  • Suitable measuring cell available
  • Plug and play equipment with TriBox transmitter
Measuring principle (H2)amperometry
Measuring principle (Pressure)Full bridge piezoresisitive
Measuring principle (Temperature)Pt100
Measuring principle (pH)Combined pH electrode
Measuring ranges (H2)- 0.2 µg / l ... 0.5 mg / l
- 1 µg / l ... 3 mg / l
Measuring ranges (Pressure)0 ... 10 bar
Measuring ranges (Temperature)- 2 ... + 35 ° C
Probe body materialstitanium
Dimensions (L x D)Diameter 48 mm, length 400 mm
Weight1.1 kg
Interface (digital)RS232 serial / FSK-telemetry option
Data acquisitionSST-SDA software supplied (PC-Windows)
Power supply and consumption9 ... 30 VDC
Consumption12 mA at 12 VDC
Service life of the H2 micro-sensor6 months in portable use, 10 months continuously (depends on the stress undergone by the variations in pH)
Intervalle de calibration24 months
Warranty24 months in the European Union
Medium / sample temperature0.1 ... + 30 ° C (40 ° C possible with specific calibration)
Ambient temperature0 ... + 40 °C
Storage temperature0 ... + 40 °C
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