Sonde cyanobactéries, chlorophylle-a
monitoring the proliferation of algae
Measurement of sulphides and dissolved H₂S with amperometric micro-sensor
Measurement of dissolved hydrogen concentrations
Sonde cyanobactéries, chlorophylle-a
Cyanobacteria monitoring probe
Sonde CO₂ dissous
Dissolved CO₂ sensor for in situ measurement
Instrument for dissolved hydrogen measurement
Measurement of dissolved hydrogen peroxide
Measurement of dissolved sulphides and H₂S
Mesure de l'O2 dissous
Sonde TO2
Digital dissolved oxygen sensor
Dissolved ozone measurement
Sonde chlore libre
Online measurement of free chlorine
Measurement of chlorophyll-a, cyanobacteria and CDOM
Spectromètre immergeable NICO
Online and in-situ measurements of nitrates
Capteur pH numérique
The high quality, low price for measuring the SAC254
Measurement of dissolved hydrogen concentrations
Measurement of dissolved H₂S concentrations
Nitrates, nitrites and organics compounds measurement with submerged spectrometer
T-ORP sensor
Conductivity probe, digital
Digital TTurb sensor
TW Master Series
The brand new range of analyzers for measuring the quality of drinking water!
in ante. libero. vel, amet, ipsum suscipit